S. Singham

Whatsapp Whatsapp..!!!

  9 years ago     Leave your thoughts  

Hi!!!!!!! J J J How are you???? Can I add you to some Whatsapp groups????? It starts with an innocent request for adding you to a group to discuss weekend plans. Next you know, you are getting added to a million and twelve thousand Whatsapp groups (“Lane no 5”, “Roll no 44 in school”, “We don’t believe in returning library books”, “Last bench dudes” – the list is endless), discussing everything from the colour of your clothes to food to opinions to being a lab rat for viewing a gazillion trip photos. Then the notifications began pouring in. Day and…

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Meetings /catch ups at work..!

  10 years ago     Leave your thoughts  

You know how these come about? You say to a colleague - I need to quickly chat to you about something. Shouldn't take more than 4 mins 30 seconds. Ideally, you can talk then and there and get it done with. But no. The colleague insists on sending a meeting request for a catch up. What's the other equally annoying word? "Touch base". Sorry, I am not touching anyone's posterior to get some information. So, then comes a meeting invite for a catch-up and you have to open the email, click accept, say a few kind words if you have…

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Aata majhi satakliye! – S. Singham

  10 years ago     Leave your thoughts  

Facebook Soccer pundits I am glad the FIFA WC is over. Really really glad. Not because my team won or lost or didn't make it. I am happy because it has brought about a screeching halt the nonsense my FB news feed was subjected to during the last 3 weeks. Friends, wives of friends, 3rd cousins of wives of friends..practically everyone was a soccer expert in the last 3 weeks. Defense strategies, formations, tactics, kicking abilities, past records - everyone seemed to know all. My understanding of people I know was given a real free-kick during these updates. People I've…

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