‘Ek Mulaqat’

Not much has been written about the relationship between Sahir Ludhianvi, the celebrated Urdu poet and the legendary Punjabi author Amrita Pritam. ‘Ek Mulaqaat’ talks about their intense relationship and is steeped in literary references, nazams and poetry of the legendary duo.
It is a story of a cold winters night when Amrita is on the terrace of her house in New Delhi. She gets a call from Mumbai and is surprised as she does not know anyone in that city, anyone except Sahir Ludhianvi. When Sahir reappears in her life inexplicably she feels that he has changed. He is speaking more than ever and is much more communicative than he was. What follows is a soul-sharing conversation between the two poets and lovers. They both bare their souls and have a unique conversation about love, life and literature.
The play talks of a unique relationship, especially in today’s times of frantic messaging and consummation, here is a relationship that is nourished in dignity and pathos. ‘Ek Mulaqaat is a musical tribute to the poetic genius of Sahir Ludhianvi and Amrita Pritam. Unrequited love was never so poetic, enjoy the passion!
Event Date
Fri, 29 Apr 2016 @ 8pm
Esplanade Theatre